Client : Drainage Services Department, Hong Kong Government
Location : Hong Kong
Key Services Provided
Design and deploy an Integrated Building Digitalization Platform for DSD
A new development for DSD building at the existing CSWSPS comprises one 21-storey main office tower (in approximately 38,300m2), including DSD’s headquarter offices and the ancillary facilities such as multi-purpose room, meeting rooms, central server room, Building Information Modelling (BIM) corner, etc. DSD and Central Case-file Depository (CCD) of Social Welfare Department (SWD) would be the main users of the development, occupying approximately 4 floors of the tower.
Scope of Works
- Building Insight Analytic Dashboards
- Chiller Plant Optimization
- Energy Management
- Neuron IoT Hub
- Fault Diagnosis and Detection
- BIM + AM Integration
- 3D Digital Twin
Design Approach and Implementation
Neuron will provide a universal data platform for data collection, data storage and data processing. Neuron will interface with the building systems such as Building Energy System and Central Control Monitoring System; and the smart initiatives to be deployed inside the premises. An open API will be provided to facilitate the system integration and automation in the future. AI / ML optimization on chiller plant and rule-based fault diagnosis and detection are provided to enhance their experience on the property management.