Zero Carbon Park

Neuron Team

31 10 月, 2024

Client : Construction Industry Council (CIC)

Location : Hong Kong

Development of Central Monitoring Dashboard Platform

Opened in June 2012, the Construction Industry Council’s (CIC) Zero Carbon Building (ZCB) is a pioneering project to showcase state-of-the-art zero carbon building technologies and raise community awareness of sustainable living in Hong Kong. The building goes beyond the traditional definition of zero carbon. It is connected to the local grid and produces on-site renewable energy, from a combination of photovoltaic panels and a biodiesel tri-generation system, to offset the power consumed on an annual basis.

  • Digital Twins for 5 sites including Zero Carbon Park
  • Analytics Dashboard Development
  • Alarms and Notifications
  • Rule Engine
  • System Interfacing with BMS, IoT, CCTV, FM system, HKO, etc.
  • Asset Management
  • Preventive Maintenance

Neuron team has been appointed to supply and implement a centralized monitoring dashboard platform for Construction Industry Council. It is a cloud-based platform which is interfaced with the building systems (e.g. BMS, CCTV, IoT, FM system, etc.) for reflecting the building’s real-time status and the analytics results. A city-wide digital twins including 5 of the buildings under CIC is built up in this project to visualize the data and provide interactions between the users and the BIM models.



Western Digital

Western Digital 已聘請 Arup 和 Neuron 進行 IIOT 實施,以優化冷水機組的運行和性能。

Regional Digitisation Control Centre

Electrical & Mechanical Services Department unlocks efficiency for over 400 government buildings with Neuron’s City-Wide GIS Monitoring and performance benchmarking.

Drainage Services Department

Neuron delivers a universal data platform, enabling AI/ML optimization for chiller plants and rule-based fault diagnosis, significantly enhancing property management efficiency and operational experience.


啟德的標誌性地標率先通過 Neuron IoT Hub、建築分析、3D 數位孿生和基於 AI 的 HVAC 優化來構建智慧。


使用 Neuron 做出數據驅動的決策。